

Kantaputra P, Daroontum T, Chuamanochan M, Chaowattanapanit S, Intachai W, Olsen B, et al. Loss of Function TGFBR2 Variant as a Contributing Factor in Generalized Pustular Psoriasis and Adult-Onset Immunodeficiency. Genes. 2022;14(1).

BACKGROUND: Generalized pustular psoriasis (GPP; MIM 614204) is a rare multisystemic autoinflammatory disease, characterized by episodes of acute generalized erythema and scaling developed with the spread of numerous sterile pustules. Adult-onset immunodeficiency syndrome (AOID) with anti-interferon-γ autoantibodies is an immunodeficiency disorder associated with disruptive IFN-γ signaling.

METHODS: Clinical examination and whole exome sequencing (WES) were performed on 32 patients with pustular psoriasis phenotypes and 21 patients with AOID with pustular skin reaction. Histopathological and immunohistochemical studies were performed.

RESULTS: WES identified four Thai patients presenting with similar pustular phenotypes-two with a diagnosis of GPP and the other two with AOID-who were found to carry the same rare TGFBR2 frameshift mutation c.458del; p.Lys153SerfsTer35, which is predicted to result in a marked loss of functional TGFBR2 protein. The immunohistochemical studied showed overexpression of IL1B, IL6, IL17, IL23, IFNG, and KRT17, a hallmark of psoriatic skin lesions. Abnormal TGFB1 expression was observed in the pustular skin lesion of an AOID patient, suggesting disruption to TGFβ signaling is associated with the hyperproliferation of the psoriatic epidermis.

CONCLUSIONS: This study implicates disruptive TGFBR2-mediated signaling, via a shared truncating variant, c.458del; p.Lys153SerfsTer35, as a "predisposing risk factor" for GPP and AOID.

Kanai SM, Heffner C, Cox TC, Cunningham ML, Perez FA, Bauer AM, et al. Auriculocondylar syndrome 2 results from the dominant-negative action of PLCB4 variants. Disease models & mechanisms. 2022;15(4).

Auriculocondylar syndrome 2 (ARCND2) is a rare autosomal dominant craniofacial malformation syndrome linked to multiple genetic variants in the coding sequence of phospholipase C β4 (PLCB4). PLCB4 is a direct signaling effector of the endothelin receptor type A (EDNRA)-Gq/11 pathway, which establishes the identity of neural crest cells (NCCs) that form lower jaw and middle ear structures. However, the functional consequences of PLCB4 variants on EDNRA signaling is not known. Here, we show, using multiple signaling reporter assays, that known PLCB4 variants resulting from missense mutations exert a dominant-negative interference over EDNRA signaling. In addition, using CRISPR/Cas9, we find that F0 mouse embryos modeling one PLCB4 variant have facial defects recapitulating those observed in hypomorphic Ednra mouse models, including a bone that we identify as an atavistic change in the posterior palate/oral cavity. Remarkably, we have identified a similar osseous phenotype in a child with ARCND2. Our results identify the disease mechanism of ARCND2, demonstrate that the PLCB4 variants cause craniofacial differences and illustrate how minor changes in signaling within NCCs may have driven evolutionary changes in jaw structure and function. This article has an associated First Person interview with the first author of the paper.

Hassan MG, Chen C, Ismail HA, Zaher AR, Cox TC, Goodwin AF, et al. Altering calcium and phosphorus supplementation in pregnancy and lactation affects offspring craniofacial morphology in a sex-specific pattern. American journal of orthodontics and dentofacial orthopedics : official publication of the American Association of Orthodontists, its constituent societies, and the American Board of Orthodontics. 2022;161(5):e446-e455.

INTRODUCTION: The effects on offspring craniofacial bone morphology and accretion because of altered maternal exposure to dietary components such as calcium (Ca) and phosphorus (P) are unclear. The objective of this study was to investigate the changes in offspring skull morphology and tissue mineral density (TMD), including sex-specific changes, with exposure to a maternal diet high in Ca-to-P levels during gestation and lactation in mice.

METHODS: Time-mated FVB wild-type mice were fed a normal or experimental diet during gestation until weaning. The experimental diet contained a 3-fold increase in Ca and a 3-fold decrease in P (Ca:P molar ratio, 10.5) compared with normal mouse chow (Ca:P molar ratio, 1.5). The heads of 6-week-old control and experimental offspring mice were collected and scanned using microcomputed tomography. Three-dimensional geometric morphometric analysis was performed to analyze changes in craniofacial morphology. TMD measurements were also analyzed.

RESULTS: We observed subtle changes and no significant differences between offspring control and experimental skulls when we compared all samples. However, when we separated skulls by sex, we discovered significant differences in craniofacial morphology and TMD. Experimental female offspring possessed skulls that were smaller, narrower transversely, taller vertically, and decreased in TMD. Experimental male offspring possessed skulls that were larger, wider transversely, shorter vertically, and increased in TMD.

CONCLUSIONS: Maternal exposure to diet and increased Ca:P molar ratio during gestation and lactation led to significant, sex-specific morphologic and TMD changes in 6-week-old mouse skulls.

Hassan MG, Vargas R, Zhang B, Marcel N, Cox TC, Jheon AH. Altering osteoclast numbers using CTSK models in utero affects mice offspring craniofacial morphology. Orthodontics & craniofacial research. 2022;.

BACKGROUND: Bone remodelling during development and growth is important for craniofacial integrity of offspring. The aim of this study was to investigate the changes in offspring adult skull morphology when the osteoclasts number was altered in utero, using three-dimensional (3D) geometric morphometric analysis (GMA).

MATERIALS AND METHODS: We altered osteoclasts number in utero via two approaches. First, we generated heterozygous CtskCre ;DTAfl/+ (diphtheria toxin A) mice. Second, we altered Ctsk expression in vivo by injecting pregnant wild-type dams at embryonic day (E) 12.5 with in vivo siRNA specific for Ctsk. Mice were collected at 6 weeks and analysed using geometric morphometric analysis via computed tomography, histomorphometry and gene expression analysis.

RESULTS: Altering osteoclasts number in utero affected the offspring adult skull morphology. Decreased Ctsk and osteoclast numbers were associated with a decrease in cranial vault height and an increase in mandibular body length. Changes in size and shape were observed with an increased number of osteoclasts in CtskCre ;DTAfl/+ mice, including an increase in cranial vault height, as well as a shortening of mandibular body length and ramus height.

CONCLUSION: The findings of this study suggest that modulation of osteoclast numbers during pre- and post-natal development may be a previously unknown factor in the aetiology of skeletal malocclusions. An improved understanding of the factors affecting bone homeostasis during development and growth may help in the development of future therapies that would target the early intervention of skeletal malocclusion.


Siegle JH, Jia X, Durand S, Gale S, Bennett C, Graddis N, et al. Survey of spiking in the mouse visual system reveals functional hierarchy. Nature. 2021;592(7852):86-92.

The anatomy of the mammalian visual system, from the retina to the neocortex, is organized hierarchically1. However, direct observation of cellular-level functional interactions across this hierarchy is lacking due to the challenge of simultaneously recording activity across numerous regions. Here we describe a large, open dataset-part of the Allen Brain Observatory2-that surveys spiking from tens of thousands of units in six cortical and two thalamic regions in the brains of mice responding to a battery of visual stimuli. Using cross-correlation analysis, we reveal that the organization of inter-area functional connectivity during visual stimulation mirrors the anatomical hierarchy from the Allen Mouse Brain Connectivity Atlas3. We find that four classical hierarchical measures-response latency, receptive-field size, phase-locking to drifting gratings and response decay timescale-are all correlated with the hierarchy. Moreover, recordings obtained during a visual task reveal that the correlation between neural activity and behavioural choice also increases along the hierarchy. Our study provides a foundation for understanding coding and signal propagation across hierarchically organized cortical and thalamic visual areas.

Biesecker LG, Adam MP, Alkuraya FS, Amemiya AR, Bamshad MJ, Beck AE, et al. A dyadic approach to the delineation of diagnostic entities in clinical genomics. American journal of human genetics. 2021;108(1):8-15.

The delineation of disease entities is complex, yet recent advances in the molecular characterization of diseases provide opportunities to designate diseases in a biologically valid manner. Here, we have formalized an approach to the delineation of Mendelian genetic disorders that encompasses two distinct but inter-related concepts: (1) the gene that is mutated and (2) the phenotypic descriptor, preferably a recognizably distinct phenotype. We assert that only by a combinatorial or dyadic approach taking both of these attributes into account can a unitary, distinct genetic disorder be designated. We propose that all Mendelian disorders should be designated as "GENE-related phenotype descriptor" (e.g., "CFTR-related cystic fibrosis"). This approach to delineating and naming disorders reconciles the complexity of gene-to-phenotype relationships in a simple and clear manner yet communicates the complexity and nuance of these relationships.

Li D, March ME, Fortugno P, Cox LL, Matsuoka LS, Monetta R, et al. Pathogenic variants in CDH11 impair cell adhesion and cause Teebi hypertelorism syndrome. Human genetics. 2021;140(7):1061-76.

Teebi hypertelorism syndrome (THS; OMIM 145420) is a rare craniofacial disorder characterized by hypertelorism, prominent forehead, short nose with broad or depressed nasal root. Some cases of THS have been attributed to SPECC1L variants. Homozygous variants in CDH11 truncating the transmembrane and intracellular domains have been implicated in Elsahy-Waters syndrome (EWS; OMIM 211380) with hypertelorism. We report THS due to CDH11 heterozygous missense variants on 19 subjects from 9 families. All affected residues in the extracellular region of Cadherin-11 (CHD11) are highly conserved across vertebrate species and classical cadherins. Six of the variants that cluster around the EC2-EC3 and EC3-EC4 linker regions are predicted to affect Ca2+ binding that is required for cadherin stability. Two of the additional variants [c.164G > C, p.(Trp55Ser) and c.418G > A, p.(Glu140Lys)] are also notable as they are predicted to directly affect trans-homodimer formation. Immunohistochemical study demonstrates that CDH11 is strongly expressed in human facial mesenchyme. Using multiple functional assays, we show that five variants from the EC1, EC2-EC3 linker, and EC3 regions significantly reduced the cell-substrate trans adhesion activity and one variant from EC3-EC4 linker results in changes in cell morphology, focal adhesion, and migration, suggesting dominant negative effect. Characteristic features in this cohort included depressed nasal root, cardiac and umbilical defects. These features distinguished this phenotype from that seen in SPECC1L-related hypertelorism syndrome and CDH11-related EWS. Our results demonstrate heterozygous variants in CDH11, which decrease cell-cell adhesion and increase cell migratory behavior, cause a form of THS, as termed CDH11-related THS.

Abe M, Cox TC, Firulli AB, Kanai SM, Dahlka J, Lim KC, et al. GATA3 is essential for separating patterning domains during facial morphogenesis. Development (Cambridge, England). 2021;148(17).

Neural crest cells (NCCs) within the mandibular and maxillary prominences of the first pharyngeal arch are initially competent to respond to signals from either region. However, mechanisms that are only partially understood establish developmental tissue boundaries to ensure spatially correct patterning. In the 'hinge and caps' model of facial development, signals from both ventral prominences (the caps) pattern the adjacent tissues whereas the intervening region, referred to as the maxillomandibular junction (the hinge), maintains separation of the mandibular and maxillary domains. One cap signal is GATA3, a member of the GATA family of zinc-finger transcription factors with a distinct expression pattern in the ventral-most part of the mandibular and maxillary portions of the first arch. Here, we show that disruption of Gata3 in mouse embryos leads to craniofacial microsomia and syngnathia (bony fusion of the upper and lower jaws) that results from changes in BMP4 and FGF8 gene regulatory networks within NCCs near the maxillomandibular junction. GATA3 is thus a crucial component in establishing the network of factors that functionally separate the upper and lower jaws during development.


Eisenhoffer GT, Clouthier D, Cox T, Saint-Jeannet JP, Taneyhill LA, Trainor PA, et al. The Society for Craniofacial Genetics and Developmental Biology 42nd Annual Meeting. American journal of medical genetics. Part A. 2020;182(7):1555-61.

The Society for Craniofacial Genetics and Developmental Biology (SCGDB) 42nd Annual Meeting was held at the MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, Texas from October 14-15, 2019. The SCGDB meeting included scientific sessions on the molecular regulation of craniofacial development, cell biology of craniofacial development, signaling during craniofacial development, translational craniofacial biology, and for the first time, a career development workshop. Over a one hundred attendees from 21 states, and representing over 50 different scientific institutions, participated. The diverse group of scientists included cell and developmental biologists and clinical geneticists, promoting excellent discussions about molecular pathways guiding abnormal cell behaviors and the resultant morphological changes to craniofacial development. The results were high-quality science and a welcoming environment for trainees interested in craniofacial biology.