Microbial Energy

Microbial electrochemical synthesis from CO2

Three-dimensional (3D) structured carbon nano-materials have excellent potential to be used in microbial electrochemical synthesis (MES) for CO2 reduction.  NAD/NADH pool in biofilm bacteriuria is changed with GN–CNTs hybrid modified cathode, which increases NADH used for CO2 fixation.

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Gene manipulation for advancing bio-electricity in microbial fuel cell s  

Heterogeneous expression of the formate dehydrogenase gene in Clostridium ljungdahlii for nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NADH) regeneration is successfully achieved. The manipulation of intracellular cofactors is shown to be an efficient approach to improve bioelectricity generation in the microbial fuel cell (MFC).

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Bacillus biocathode improves electricity production in microbial fuel cells

Aerobic bacteria Bacillus were isolated from electroactive biofilm, which were capable of catalyzing the electrochemical reduction of oxygen to enhance electricity generation in the microbial fuel cell (MFC).

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