Participate in research as part of your plan of study or find out what research is like by serving as a volunteer.

Learn about research from both sides of the process. 
The information you read in your textbooks and learn about in courses comes from studies just like those being conducted at UMKC. Because you attend a research-intensive university, you have the unique opportunity to collaborate with faculty and also volunteer as research participants. 

Mentored Research

Mentored research experiences with nationally known scholars advance our knowledge of human behavior and help our students develop research and analysis skills. Every year approximately 60 undergraduate students work with faculty mentors on research projects. Many present their work at UMKC, and some have even presented their findings overseas.

Students in PSYCH 490/491 work independently under the supervision of a research mentor and participate as research assistants on research projects. These courses can be taken for one to three credit hours during the 16-week semester. Generally, students are expected to work three hours per week for each credit in which they are enrolled.

  • PSYCH 490 students work with a faculty mentor in one of the research laboratories or on a field-based project.
  • PSYCH 491 students work on research projects at one of our community partner sites such as Children’s Mercy Hospital and KU Medical Center. They are directly supervised by  Ph.D- or M.D.-level researchers at those locations.

Students who participate in a faculty research project may have the opportunity to present the outcome of their work at local, regional or national conferences. All PSYCH 490/491 students are encouraged to present their projects at the annual UMKC Symposium of Undergraduate Research and Creative Scholarship held each spring.

How to Apply

  1. Complete the Psychology 490/491 application (PDF). Include a clear explanation of your research interest in relation to the research mentor’s area of expertise. The faculty mentor must approve your enrollment before you can add the course in Pathway.
  2. Leave your application in the mailbox of the faculty mentor with whom you would like to work. Faculty mentor mailboxes are located on the third floor of Cherry Hall, Room 356.  Or, if you complete the application electronically, you can email it to your prospective faculty mentor. 

Undergraduate Research Office

Psych Pool - Research Participation

Many faculty members offer extra credit for research participation and some of the studies offer to compensate you for your time. Some projects require you to come to one of the faculty labs at 5030 Cherry Hall, while some can be completed online. Some of the studies require your time for a very short period and others are more involved.

Some projects require you to come to one of the faculty labs at 5030 Cherry Hall, while some can be completed online. Some of the studies require your time for a very short period and others are more involved.

How do I sign up?

  1. Read the Participant Policies and Procedures
  2. Log in to Psych Pool. First time users should select “Request Account” and fill out the form. You will receive an email with your user ID and an automatically generated password you may change after logging in.
  3. Use the Study Sign-Up to view and enroll in studies.
  4. View the list of course for which the instructor is allowing research participation credit. You may select one or more of the courses in which you are enrolled or “Participate for no credit” if you are not enrolled in a courses. 

Please make a note of the building and room number, date and time of appointment, and name of experimenter. After you participate, the experimenter should assess credit (unless this is a paid study) within 24 hours. If you have not received credit after 24 hourrs, contact the experimenter. The use of factoring these credits into your class grade is at the discretion of the instructor.