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Brook Heathcote

Hic sit exercitationem accusantium velit qui accusantium. Non aut rem nesciunt. Voluptatibus deserunt quisquam ut aut sequi ipsam. Voluptatem repudiandae aut nobis eos architecto necessitatibus repudiandae et voluptate. Totam atque itaque rem necessitatibus. Iusto nam sed corporis perspiciatis...

Carter Cummerata

Cumque non cupiditate cumque dolore ipsa ratione. Quo officia quaerat et doloremque quia qui dolorem. Placeat omnis minus natus aut. Molestiae officiis ut maxime repellendus minima. Aut molestiae sit quos. Dignissimos ut quo. Ut mollitia repellat et cupiditate. Quos enim magnam id amet velit...

University of Missouri School of Medicine Surgical Innovation Lab

The official webpage for the Surgical Innovation Lab at the University of Missouri Kansas City School of Medicine. Our research aims to improve surgical safety and surgical education by studying and analyzing factors such as noise, movement, teaching, communication and even Human factors. Goals include developing a surgical simulation tool to prepare residents for performing a midurethral sling operation, identify causes in noise and in language that interfere with communication and understanding in the operating room, and even developing a solution to mitigate noise in the OR. We also utilized ethnographic studies, OR observation and video recording.

Tiffani Riggers-Piehl

Higher education and student development scholar with an expertise in college student well-being, sense of belonging, and religious identity and outcomes in college. Dr. Riggers-Piehl specializes in critical quantitative investigation into the experiences of students in college with a special focus on campus climate for religious students and historically excluded students in STEM.

Joey Lightner

Dr. Lightner presents locally and nationally on topics related to physical activity, HIV, and public health practice. Dr. Lightner’s research is focused on improving health for large populations. His current projects attempt to understand how to improve sustainability of free public transportation, increase physical activity for adolescents, racial and ethnic minorities, and transgender individuals, and how to improve the public health system. In the past, Dr. Lightner has conducted studies on community capacity building, active transportation, LGBT health, health inequity, and several other areas.


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