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Cynthia Russell Lippincott

Dr. Russell Lippincott's program of research focuses on self-management of chronic disease, specifically behavior change in those with kidney and heart disease. She completed an NIH R01 to test a SystemCHANGETM intervention to improve medication adherence, physiologic and cost outcomes in adult kidney transplant recipients. Dr. Russell’s research program has been funded consistently since 2002 in amounts ranging from $10,000 to $2,585,224. She leads an inter-professional research team in transplantation.

Sarah E. Patel

Sarah Patel, PhD, RN, C-EFM is an Assistant Professor at the University of Missouri-Kansas City, School of Nursing and Health Studies. She enjoys teaching graduate and undergraduate students. Her research focuses on nursing interventions and management of chronic pelvic pain in women.

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Dr. Alexis N. Petri

Alexis Petri, EdD, is an educational leader passionate about social justice, inclusion, access, and public policy. Alexis has extensive experience with transitioning to college and careers for non-traditional students and taking leadership roles in building and directing university-wide high-impact...