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63 results found

[Sample] Transhumanism and Posthumanism: Future Visions of Humanity.

The course examines the philosophical and technological developments around Transhumanism and Posthumanism. Students will engage with futurist theories, bioethics, and the potential impacts of advancements such as genetic engineering, neuroenhancement, and artificial intelligence. Through...

[Sample] Launching a New Interdisciplinary Course: Culinary Anthropology

I'm excited to announce the launch of a new course, Culinary Anthropology for the upcoming fall semester. The course aims to explore the intersection of culture and cuisine, examining the societal impact of food throughout history. This interdisciplinary course will encourage students to engage with...

Interspecies allometric scaling.

Hunter, Robert P. 2010. “Interspecies Allometric Scaling”. Handbook of Experimental Pharmacology, no. 199: 139-57.