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4 results found

[Sample] Transhumanism and Posthumanism: Future Visions of Humanity.

The course examines the philosophical and technological developments around Transhumanism and Posthumanism. Students will engage with futurist theories, bioethics, and the potential impacts of advancements such as genetic engineering, neuroenhancement, and artificial intelligence. Through...

[Sample] Culinary Anthropology: The Social Impact of Food

This interdisciplinary course explores the role of food in human societies from prehistoric times to the modern era. By examining food-related rituals, symbolism, economic systems, and power dynamics, students will understand how cuisine shapes and reflects culture. Fieldwork will include visits to...

[Sample] RoboEthics: Moral and Ethical Considerations in AI and Robotics

As artificial intelligence and robotics become increasingly prevalent in our society, so does the need for understanding the ethical implications. This course will delve into concepts such as machine autonomy, AI rights, algorithmic bias, and the responsibility of AI creators. Students will evaluate...