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62 results found

FOXI3 pathogenic variants cause one form of craniofacial microsomia.

Mao, Ke, Christelle Borel, Muhammad Ansar, Angad Jolly, Periklis Makrythanasis, Christine Froehlich, Justyna Iwaszkiewicz, et al. 2023. “FOXI3 Pathogenic Variants Cause One Form of Craniofacial Microsomia”. Nature Communications 14 (1): 2026.

Response to Hamosh et al.

Biesecker, Leslie G, Margaret P Adam, Fowzan S Alkuraya, Anne R Amemiya, Michael J Bamshad, Anita E Beck, James T Bennett, et al. 2021. “Response to Hamosh Et al”. American Journal of Human Genetics 108 (9): 1809-10.

PiT-2, a type III sodium-dependent phosphate transporter, protects against vascular calcification in mice with chronic kidney disease fed a high-phosphate diet.

Yamada, Shunsuke, Elizabeth M Leaf, Jia Jun Chia, Timothy C Cox, Mei Y Speer, and Cecilia M Giachelli. 2018. “PiT-2, a Type III Sodium-Dependent Phosphate Transporter, Protects Against Vascular Calcification in Mice With Chronic Kidney Disease Fed a High-Phosphate Diet”. Kidney International 94 (4): 716-27.

Laborum Repellendus Est Minima

Qui ut voluptatem voluptatem velit molestias hic ad nihil nostrum.Quis nihil ea veniam labore ducimus velit eos. Natus Eos Sed Maiores In Neque Dolores Et. Minima praesentium repudiandae sed nam qui iusto nulla occaecati tempore. Eos sunt ut repudiandae distinctio. Aspernatur cumque quos ab pariatur...