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9 results found

Dr. Christiansen @ Avila University

Dr. Christiansen gives an invited talk at Avila University about her research. Thank you to Avila for the wonderful time and great audience!

Dr. Christiansen @ Pittsburg State

Dr. Christiansen visits Pittsburg State University in Pittsburg, KS, to give a seminar on her research. This is the first time an atmospheric chemist has spoken at the school! Many thanks to Dr. Irene Zegar for the invitation and hospitality!

Toan Vo Joins the Lab!

Toan Vo joins us as an MS student right after finishing his BS here at UMKC. Welcome, Toan!

Dr. Christiansen's Paper on Tropospheric Ozone

Dr. Christiansen’s paper on tropospheric ozone from her postdoc work is published in Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics! Read it here:

Toan Wins the Student Poster Award at AAAR!

Introducing Toan, the award-winning scientist! Toan presented his work on agricultural emissions in the Midwest at the 41st annual conference of the American Association for Aerosol Research (AAAR) in Portland, Oregon, this past week. He comes away from the experience with a coveted Student Poster...

Shreeram Ojha Joins the Lab!

Shreeram joins the lab as an IPhD student after having completed his MS at Tribhuvan University. Welcome, Shreeram!

Dr. Christiansen Presents at ACS

Dr. Christiansen attended the 2023 ACS Spring Meeting and presented some preliminary work on environmental justice in the Kansas City Metropolitan Area (shown below). Great turnout for the poster! Very happy to see some familiar faces and meet many new ones, too.