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435 results found

Brendan Waters

Aut quia assumenda deleniti facere cupiditate est ex. Et veritatis nihil dolores. Numquam exercitationem consequatur deserunt veritatis aut laudantium nemo. Quam molestias laudantium sequi culpa molestiae ad magni facilis. In sit consequatur ut mollitia qui labore occaecati cupiditate. Libero aut...

Can the Taliban Trust Trump?

With Navin Bapat at Political Violence at a Glance. Earlier this month, the Taliban proposed a ceasefire to facilitate negotiations with the United States. What should we expect from those negotiations?...

International Political Economy (Pol-Sci 367)

Catalog Description This course examines major schools of thought and contemporary research in international political economy, as well as the study of the interactions of politics with economics, governments, and markets. What to expect While it may be helpful to have taken other courses in either...

Terrorism & Political Violence (Pol-Sci 316)

Catalog Description This course explores terrorism and armed struggle from theoretical and historical perspectives, and analyzes a number of violent movements with nationalist, ideological, and religious motivations. What to expect Students learn, evaluate, and apply theories of the use of violence...

Women & Conflict (Pol-Sci 371)

Catalog Description Students will explore the roles of women in armed political conflict; specifically the ways that women influence and participate in conflict and peace processes as well as the ways women are affected by conflict and peace processes. What to expect This course brings a gender lens...

Conflict Resolution (Pol-Sci 404)

Catalog Description This course examines theories of peace and conflict resolution in the international system. Students will assess the challenges to conflict resolution, international cooperation, and peace as well as the means through which states and non-state actors overcome those challenges...