
Our Focus

To provide research support for public health projects related to physical activity. 

Research Area #1

Active Lab: Public Health through Physical Activity. Agency: Public Health AmeriCorps, Co-PI, 2023-2024, $167,910

Grimes, A. & Lightner, J. (Co-PIs) (2022-2025). Funding for Zero-Fare: Evaluating the Health and Economic Impacts. Agency: US Department of Transportation, Co-PI, 2022-2025, $500,000

Increasing Student Access to Transportation to Improve Social Determinants of Health. Agency: UMKC Funding for Excellence. Co-PI, 2023, $29,250

Research Area #2

Move More Get More. Agency: Health Forward Foundation. Co-PI, 2022-2023, $45,000

Health Impacts of City-Wide Zero-Fare Bus Transit: A Natural Experiment. Agency: National Institute of Diabetes, Digestive, and Kidney Diseases, R01, Co-Investigator, 2022–2026, $2,665,578

Move More Get More. Agency: Public Health AmeriCorps, Corporation for National and Community Service, Co-PI, 2022-2023, $73,346