

  • PUTCHA, L, K J Tietze, D W Bourne, C M Parise, R P Hunter, and N M Cintrón. (1996) 1996. “Bioavailability of Intranasal Scopolamine in Normal Subjects”. Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 85 (8): 899-902.

    The bioavailability of scopolamine in three dosage forms was compared in 12 healthy nonsmoking male volunteers. Subjects received 0.4-mg doses of scopolamine bromide in intravenous (i.v.), intranasal (i.n.), or oral (p.o.) dosage forms on three occasions, with at least 2 weeks separating the doses. Scopolamine concentrations in plasma were determined with a combined reverse-phase liquid chromatographic-radioreceptor binding assay. Saliva volume and flow rate and percent suppression of control flow rate were determined from each sample. Absorption after i.n. and po scopolamine administration was rapid; plasma concentrations [1680 (i.n.) and 164 pg/mL (p.o.)] peaked within 1 h of dosing [0.37 (i.n.) and 0.78 h (p.o.)], respectively. i.n. and i.v. scopolamine suppressed salivary flow rate to similar extents (95% and 99.7%), respectively. Times to reach maximum effect were 1.05 and 0.27 h after i.n. and i.v. dosage, respectively. Absolute intranasal bioavailability, calculated from the area under the drug concentration vs time curve, was found to be significantly greater than that of p.o. scopolamine (83% vs 3.7%, p < 0.05). The i.n. route may provide a noninvasive, reliable, fast, and effective route for administering scopolamine.

  • Hunter, R P, D E Koch, R L Coke, M A Goatley, and R Isaza. (2003) 2003. “Azithromycin Metabolite Identification in Plasma, Bile, and Tissues of the Ball Python (Python Regius)”. Journal of Veterinary Pharmacology and Therapeutics 26 (2): 117-21.

    Azithromycin is the first of a class of antibiotics classified as azalides. Six ball pythons (Python regius) were given a single dose of azithromycin at 10 mg/kg p.o. and i.v. in a crossover design. Serial blood samples were collected for unchanged azithromycin and to determine, if possible, the structure and number of circulating azithromycin metabolites. After a 4-month wash-out period, the snakes were given azithromycin p.o. as a single dose of 10 mg/kg for the study of azithromycin metabolism and metabolite tissue distribution. Bile, liver, lung, kidney, and skin samples were analyzed for the metabolites identified from the first experiment. Unchanged azithromycin accounted for 80, 68, and 60% of the total material at 12, 24, and 48 h postadministration in plasma, independent of route of administration. At both 24 and 72 h postadministration, azithromycin accounted for 70% of total azithromycin- associated material in bile. In liver and kidney, unchanged azithromycin accounted for 40% of the total azithromycin-associated material; this doubled in lung and skin. Fifteen metabolites were positively or tentatively identified in plasma, bile, or tissues of all snakes. Four of these possible metabolites: 3'-desamine-3-ene-azithromycin, descladinose dehydroxy-2-ene-azithromycin, 3'-desamine-3-ene descladinose-azithromycin, and 3'-N-nitroso,9a-N-desmethyl-azithromycin are unique to this species. Descladinose-azithromycin, 3'-N-desmethyl,9a-N-desmethyl-azithromycin, and 3'-N-desmethyl, 3'-O-desmethyl-azithromycin were the only metabolites identified in skin. Kidney tissue contained a greater number of metabolites than liver tissue, with 3'-N-didesmethyl-azithromycin being identified only in the kidney. Compared with the dog and cat, a greater number of metabolites were identified in ball python plasma. The percentage of unchanged azithromycin in bile is not different between the three species.

  • Hunter, R P, R Isaza, D E Koch, C C Dodd, and M A Goatley. (2004) 2004. “The Pharmacokinetics of Topical Doramectin in Llamas (Lama Glama) and Alpacas (Lama Pacos)”. Journal of Veterinary Pharmacology and Therapeutics 27 (3): 187-9.
  • Manire, Charles A, Robert P Hunter, David E Koch, Lynne Byrd, and Howard L Rhinehart. (2005) 2005. “Pharmacokinetics of Ticarcillin in the Loggerhead Sea Turtle (Caretta Caretta) After Single Intravenous and Intramuscular Injections”. Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine : Official Publication of the American Association of Zoo Veterinarians 36 (1): 44-53.

    Three captive loggerhead sea turtles, Caretta caretta, were used in four trials, one i.v. and three i.m., to determine the pharmacokinetic properties of a single dose of ticarcillin. For the i.v. study, each turtle received a single 50 mg/kg dose and blood samples were collected at 0, 0.5, 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, and 12 hr and at 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3, 4, 6, 8, 10, and 14 days after administration. For the i.m. study, each turtle received one of three dosages (25, 50, or 100 mg/kg) in a randomized complete block design and blood samples were collected at the same time intervals. Each trial was separated by a minimum of 28 days to allow for complete drug clearance. Drug concentration in plasma was determined by a validated liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry assay. For the i.v. study, the elimination half-life was 5.0 hr. The apparent volume of distribution and plasma clearance were 0.17 L/kg and 0.0218 L/hr/kg, respectively. For the i.m. study, mean time to maximum plasma concentrations ranged from 1.7 ( +/- 0.58) hr in the 50 mg/kg group to 3.7 (+/- 2.5) hr in the 100 mg/kg group. Mean bioavailability ranged from 45% ( +/- 15%) in the 50 mg/kg group to 58% (+/- 12%) in the 100 mg/kg group, and the mean residence time ranged from 7.5 ( +/- 2.6) hr in the 25 mg/kg group to 16 (+/- 6.8) hr in the 100 mg/kg group. Two turtles had slight alanine aminotransferase elevations that were not clinically apparent at two different dosages, but otherwise, blood chemistries were unaffected. Possible i.m. dosage regimens for loggerhead sea turtles are 50 mg/kg q24 hr or 100 mg/kg q48 hr. Liver enzymes should be monitored during treatment.

  • Dumonceaux, G, R Isaza, D E Koch, and R P Hunter. (2005) 2005. “Pharmacokinetics and I.m. Bioavailability of Ceftiofur in Asian Elephants (Elephas Maximus)”. Journal of Veterinary Pharmacology and Therapeutics 28 (5): 441-6.

    Captive elephants are prone to infections of the feet, lungs, and skin. Often treatment regimens are established with no pharmacokinetic data on the agents being used for treatment in these species. A pharmacokinetic study using ceftiofur (1.1 mg/kg) was conducted in four adult female captive Asian elephants (Elephas maximus) at Busch Gardens in Tampa, Florida. Elephants were given both i.v. and i.m. administrations in a complete crossover design with a 3-week washout period between treatments. Blood samples were collected prior to drug administration and at 0.33, 0.67, 1, 1.5, 2, 4, 8, 12, 24, 48 and 72 h postadministration. Ceftiofur analysis was performed using a validated liquid chromatography/mass spectrophotometric (LC/MS) assay. Plasma concentrations for the i.m. samples were lower than expected. The mean C(max) following i.m. administration was 1.63 microg/mL with a corresponding T(max) of 0.55 h. Following i.v. administration, the median V(d(ss)) was 0.51 L/kg and a median Cl(p) of 0.069 L/kg/h. Mean i.m. bioavailability was 19%. The results indicate that ceftiofur used at 1.1 mg/kg i.m. could be useful in elephants when given two to three times a day or alternatively, 1.1 mg/kg i.v. once daily, depending upon the MIC of the pathogen.

  • Carpenter, James W, John H Olsen, Mary Randle-Port, David E Koch, Ramiro Isaza, and Robert P Hunter. (2005) 2005. “Pharmacokinetics of Azithromycin in the Blue and Gold Macaw (Ara Ararauna) After Intravenous and Oral Administration”. Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine : Official Publication of the American Association of Zoo Veterinarians 36 (4): 606-9.

    Azithromycin is classified as an azalide, a subclass of macrolide antimicrobials with a broad spectrum of activity in vitro against many potential bacterial pathogens including spirochetes, anaerobes, and Chlamydia trachomatis. Because of limited data on the use of azithromycin in avian medicine, this study was designed to determine the pharmacokinetics of azithromycin in blue and gold macaws (Ara ararauna), a species commonly seen in clinical practice. Azithromycin (10 mg/kg) was administered via crop lavage to five birds and intravenously to five birds, and blood samples were obtained at 0, 0.5, 1, 3, 6, 12, 24, 48, 72, and 96 hr post-azithromycin administration. Following a 4-wk washout period, the study was repeated with a complete crossover study performed. Concentration of azithromycin in plasma samples was quantified using a validated liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry assay. Pharmacokinetic parameters were determined using noncompartmental analysis. Based on the pharmacokinetic data generated from this study, a starting dose of azithromycin at 10 mg/kg p.o. every 48 hr for susceptible bacterial infections in blue and gold macaws is recommended.