


Martinez, M, J Blondeau, C E Cerniglia, J Fink-Gremmels, S Guenther, R P Hunter, X-Z Li, et al. (2014) 2014. “Workshop Report: the 2012 Antimicrobial Agents in Veterinary Medicine: Exploring the Consequences of Antimicrobial Drug Use: A 3-D Approach”. Journal of Veterinary Pharmacology and Therapeutics 37 (1): e1-e16.

Antimicrobial resistance is a global challenge that impacts both human and veterinary health care. The resilience of microbes is reflected in their ability to adapt and survive in spite of our best efforts to constrain their infectious capabilities. As science advances, many of the mechanisms for microbial survival and resistance element transfer have been identified. During the 2012 meeting of Antimicrobial Agents in Veterinary Medicine (AAVM), experts provided insights on such issues as use vs. resistance, the available tools for supporting appropriate drug use, the importance of meeting the therapeutic needs within the domestic animal health care, and the requirements associated with food safety and food security. This report aims to provide a summary of the presentations and discussions occurring during the 2012 AAVM with the goal of stimulating future discussions and enhancing the opportunity to establish creative and sustainable solutions that will guarantee the availability of an effective therapeutic arsenal for veterinary species.

Nosanchuk, Joshua D, Jun Lin, Robert P Hunter, and Rustam I Aminov. (2014) 2014. “Low-Dose Antibiotics: Current Status and Outlook for the Future”. Frontiers in Microbiology 5: 478.
Brock, A P, R Isaza, E F Egelund, R P Hunter, and C A Peloquin. (2014) 2014. “The Pharmacokinetics of a Single Oral or Rectal Dose of Concurrently Administered Isoniazid, Rifampin, Pyrazinamide, and Ethambutol in Asian Elephants (Elephas Maximus)”. Journal of Veterinary Pharmacology and Therapeutics 37 (5): 472-9.

Tuberculosis, caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis, is a disease of concern in captive Asian elephants (Elephas maximus). Treatment for tuberculosis in elephants utilizes multidrug protocols combining isoniazid, rifampin, pyrazinamide, and/or ethambutol. In this study, a single, coformulated dose of isoniazid 5 mg/kg, rifampin 10 mg/kg, pyrazinamide 30 mg/kg, and ethambutol 30 mg/kg was administered orally to six Asian elephants, and rectally to five elephants using a cross-over design. Blood samples were collected serially over 24 h. Pyrazinamide and ethambutol concentrations were determined using validated gas chromatography assays. Isoniazid and rifampin concentrations were determined using validated high-performance liquid chromatography assays. Rectal isoniazid produced an earlier Tmax compared with oral administration. Oral isoniazid resulted in a comparatively lower Cmax , but higher AUC values compared with rectal isoniazid. Oral rifampin and oral ethambutol were well absorbed while rectal rifampin was not. Oral pyrazinamide produced comparatively higher Cmax and AUC values compared with rectal pyrazinamide. Results of this study indicate that currently recommended therapeutic monitoring sample collection times for rectal isoniazid and oral rifampin do not provide an accurate assessment of exposure for these drugs. This study demonstrates notable individual variability, indicating that dosing of these medications requires individual monitoring and provides additional information to guide the clinician when treating elephants.



Lees, P, R P Hunter, P T Reeves, and P L Toutain. (2012) 2012. “Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics of Stereoisomeric Drugs With Particular Reference to Bioequivalence Determination”. Journal of Veterinary Pharmacology and Therapeutics 35 Suppl 1: 17-29.

Drugs containing one or more chiral centres exist in stereoisomeric molecular forms. Most commonly, drugs containing a single asymmetric carbon atom exist in two enantiomeric forms, designated as eutomer (the more potent) and distomer (the less potent). As well as differences in potency and other pharmacodynamic properties, most members of enantiomeric pairs commonly differ also in their pharmacokinetic profiles. This article reviews factors underlying differences in pharmacological properties of enantiomers. The relevance of such differences for studies designed to evaluate the bioequivalence of products containing chiral drugs is also reviewed.

Hunter, R P, P Lees, D Concordet, and P-L Toutain. (2012) 2012. “Establishing Bioequivalence of Veterinary Premixes (Type A Medicated Articles)”. Journal of Veterinary Pharmacology and Therapeutics 35 Suppl 1: 53-63.

a) Key issues concerning Premix (Type A medicated articles) Bioequivalence evaluations: 1) This is a complex issue concerning both route of administration and formulation. 2) If the animal is not at the bunk/trough, the animal is not self-administering (eating medicated feed), thus there can be no drug absorption. b) Differing opinions among scientists and regulatory authorities/expert bodies regarding: 1) No harmonization on how to design, conduct, and interpret in vivo studies. 2) Applicability of biowaivers to Type A (premix) products. 3) Why are topdress and complete feed considered differently? Are they different formulations or different routes of administration? 4) Single dose vs. multi-dose studies. 5) What is the final formulation? c) What are the next steps: 1) Harmonize current bioequivalence guidelines through the VICH process. 2) Determine the applicability/non-applicability of the Biopharmaceutical Classification System (BCS). 3) Establish the Total Mixed Ration (i.e. formulation) effects. 4) Define the test subject (individual, pen, etc.).

Martinez, M N, and R P Hunter. (2012) 2012. “Introduction to the Bioequivalence Theme Issue”. Journal of Veterinary Pharmacology and Therapeutics 35 Suppl 1: 1-2.