
UMKC GamerRoos


The mission of the GamerRoos is to bring people together to play a wide variety of games, from casual gaming to collegiate esports to board games to role playing games. The GamerRoos strive to create a community of people who love games of any kind.


Organization of Physics and Astronomy Graduate Students


This organization seeks to establish and maintain a community among students enrolled in the Physics and Astronomy graduate program. This community will be built with the intent to: (1) promote dialogue among the graduate students enrolled in this program with an emphasis on encouraging interest and activity in physics through initiatives such as the Condensed Matters initiative, (2) to utilize more fully the research capabilities of the resources available to the Physics and Astronomy faculty in the Energy, Matter, and Systems Division of the School of Science and Engineering and make the pursuit of volunteer research projects and/or collaborative interdisciplinary research projects more feasible, and (3) make the spaces used by the students and faculty of the programs in Physics and Astronomy a welcoming environment that fosters interaction between all students in this division.