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413 results found

Life Health

Cholesterol inhibits human proton channel (hHv1) Single-molecule fluorescence resonance energy transfer (smFRET) was used for evaluating the inhibition of cholesterol for activation of hHv1 channels, which regulates human fertilization by linking the cholesterol efflux with intracellular...


Dr. Huang Wu is an Assistant Professor of Educational Leadership in the Department of Educational Leadership, Policy and Foundations. With teaching experience spanning K-12 and higher education settings in both China and the United States, he brings a global perspective that allow him to witness...

SQI gallery contest

Donec eu sapien Morbi ac sem eget diam facilisis lobortis. Donec eu sapien maximus, sollicitudin dolor ut, semper urna. Fusce nec accumsan mauris. Integer semper, justo vitae luctus auctor, mi enim maximus sapien, eu dignissim ligula est id felis. Mauris varius arcu ex, eget mollis est pulvinar ut...