
Dr. Huang Wu is an Assistant Professor of Educational Leadership in the Department of Educational Leadership, Policy and Foundations. With teaching experience spanning K-12 and higher education settings in both China and the United States, he brings a global perspective that allow him to witness firsthand the challenges students face on their path to better opportunities, and how educational systems can address structural inequalities.

His research is centered on the application of data science methods, ranging from traditional quantitative approaches to machine learning, to address critical educational issues, particularly those related to school leadership, educational equity, and program evaluation. His primary research focus is dedicated to examining how effective school leadership practices can enhance student learning outcomes and foster social justice within educational systems. His intellectual curiosity extends beyond empirical investigations to encompass theoretical and philosophical inquiries into educational issues, such as defining the essence of education and equity, the principles of good education and teaching, and how schools can foster them.

When it comes to teaching, Dr. Wu finds profound joy in guiding students as they nurture their interests, embark on a journey of learning, and make remarkable progress. Dr. Wu firmly believes in the reciprocal nature of teaching, echoing Confucius’ wisdom that “teaching and learning go hand in hand.” Dr. Wu sets high expectations for all students and encourages them to cultivate a growth mindset. He strives to make his teaching inclusive, accessible, responsive, and student-centered. His goal is to ensure that everyone in his class can actively participate, feel in control of their learning, and possess the capacity to learn and grow.