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8 results found

Joey Lightner

Dr. Lightner presents locally and nationally on topics related to physical activity, HIV, and public health practice. Dr. Lightner’s research is focused on improving health for large populations. His current projects attempt to understand how to improve sustainability of free public transportation, increase physical activity for adolescents, racial and ethnic minorities, and transgender individuals, and how to improve the public health system. In the past, Dr. Lightner has conducted studies on community capacity building, active transportation, LGBT health, health inequity, and several other areas.

UMKC OpenScholar Resources

This site offers UMKC faculty training and resources for setting up their OpenScholar academic websites.

Amanda Grimes

Dr. Grimes research focuses on physical activity and the associated health and social influences across demographic groups. Her work is guided by ecological models that posit multiple levels of influence on physical activity. Her recent work has focused on community-based interventions to address chronic diseases associated with physical inactivity.

Paul Rulis Teaching Research and Service

Paul Rulis is a computational condensed matter materials physicist at the University of Missouri - Kansas City and he is the lead principle investigator (PI) of the Computational Physics Group (CPG). Paul Rulis specializes in density functional theory based electronic structure method development and is the lead developer of the orthogonalized linear combination of atomic orbitals (OLCAO) method. The OLCAO method uses a basis of localized atomic orbitals combined with periodic boundary conditions. Paul Rulis and the CPG work on a wide variety of materials including amorphous molecular solids, Xenes, biomolecules, laser host crystals, ceramics, nanostructural materials, etc.