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4 results found

Parties and Interest Groups

The purpose of this course is to introduce students to parties and interest groups and their important role in the political process. Topics to be covered include the formation, organization, activities, and impact of political parties and interest groups in the US.

Political Psychology

The field of political psychology is an interdisciplinary field that draws on both psychology and political science to address topics in the political world. This course will focus on a variety of topics including inter-group conflict, stereotyping and prejudice, political socialization, attitude...

Campaigns and Elections

This course examines the role of campaigns in determining the outcome of both congressional and presidential elections and the way that electoral rules structure both campaign strategies and electoral outcomes. This course focuses on topics such as the role of the media, campaign advertising...

Practicing Politics

This course investigates the process by which government attention is allocated to policy issues and the tension this creates between the public, interest groups, and the institutions of government. The goal of the course is to create a basis for civic knowledge and engagement.