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104 results found
CS 449 Foundations of Software Engineering
About Researcher Amy Case
2025 Cybersecurity Camp for High School Students
Sponsored by the National Security Agency's (NSA) GenCyber program, we offer two, one-week nonresidential summer camps for rising students in Grades 9–12 to explore the field of cybersecurity through classroom instruction and lab activities. Cybersecurity is an exciting career prospect and a great...
Coverage-Based Testing of Obligations in NGAC Systems
Chen, Erzhuo, Vladislav Dubrovenski, and Dianxiang Xu. 2023. “Coverage-Based Testing of Obligations in NGAC Systems”. In 28th ACM Symposium on Access Control Models and Technologies (SACMAT’23).
Compact Abstract Graphs for Detecting Code Vulnerability with GNN Models
Luo, Yu, Weifeng Xu, and Dianxiang Xu. 2022. “Compact Abstract Graphs for Detecting Code Vulnerability With GNN Models”. In Annual Computer Security Applications Conference (ACSAC’22).