
The Center of Excellence: AI-Empowered Spatial Computing



To provide underrepresented minority students spatial computing skill building experiences at a professionally proficient level to contribute to the growth of the advancing technology workforce in the Midwest.


  1. Form and grow a consortium of postsecondary and industry leaders focused on spatial computing.
  2. Build AI-empowered learning environments to teach students, especially underrepresented students, knowledge and skill sets. The AI-empowered learning environment will be available to consortium members.
  3. Partner with businesses to fund paid, competitive spatial computing internships for students in spatial computing technologies.  This project proposes to create academic and social support with paid internships in spatial computing for recent graduates to coincide with the need for experts in this emerging technology.
  4. Contribute to research and theories of learning with a selected set of applications that apply spatial computing and AI technologies.
  5. Add Midwestern geographies to the spatial computing landscape.  Many coast-based companies are expanding to the Midwest because the cost of living is more reasonable, and the economies and business amenities are competitive.

Lead to teaching, improving, and disseminating spatial computing knowledge and skills that grow the high-tech labor pool in the United States.

Image: University of Missouri - Kansas City


Data Science and Analytics Innovation Center (dSAIC)
257 Flarsheim Hall
5110 Rockhill Rd
Kansas City, Missouri 64110

Google map of Flarsheim Hall on UMKC Volker Campus