
UMKC's Remediation Technology Center for PFAS Research

About US


The UMKC Remediation Technology Center for PFAS Research located in the heart of Kansas City works to provide access and treatment of clean water through developing and transferring technologies to market. 

About Us

The main goals of the UMKC Remedetion Technology Center for PFAS Research are to communicate risk of PFAS in solutions, biosolids, and soils, and to provide mitigation measures that can competitively treat these resks. 

 To accomplish this, researchers aim to:

  • Quantify PFAS contents in various wastestreams 
  • Develop and test remediation technologies, tools, and techniques. 
  • Transfer these technologies to the end user


The UMKC Remediation Center for PFAS Research is uniquely posed to provide a full suite of PFAS resources to the public as it pertains to contaminantion within the Midwest and beyond. Our lab works directly with clients and federal stakeholds to determine PFAS risk using published EPA methods and can suspect screen for additional currently unregulated PFAS. We are the most advanced PFAS resource in the state of Missouri and position within the heartland to support industrial, governmental, and individual PFAS needs. 



Leadership The Forefront Of Our Research Areas

Our team is comprised of an international team of researchers working together to solve PFAS related problems. We are engaged with the industry and governmental agencies assisting in degrading PFAS and providing expertise in these areas. 

Meet Our Team


Our Research Approach

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Quia voluptas porro aliquid laborum voluptatibus accusantium vel aliquid. Commodi nesciunt culpa repellendu.

Lab Protocol

Aut dolorum culpa pariatur. Tempora numquam laudantium non possimus cupiditate numquam. Cupiditate sint laudantium harum pariatur.


Natus aspernatur. Aut dolorum culpa pariatur. Tempora numquam laudantium non possimus cupiditate numquam. Cupiditate sint laudantium.


Voluptatibus accusantium vel aliquid. Commodi nesciunt culpa repellendus esse natus aspernatur. Aut dolorum culpa pariatur.



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When replacing the images to the right, be sure the first image is aligned Left and the second image is aligned Center. 

researcher filling cylinder with liquid

PFAS Chemical Structure