Imaima Casubhoy, MD
Residency in Obstetrics & Gynecology at University of Illinois
Imaima Casubhoy, MD
Residency in Obstetrics & Gynecology at University of Illinois
Hometown: Crystal Lake, IL
College/University Attended: University of Missouri Kansas City
A cut above:
What I love to do most outside of work is spending time with friends and family.
Needle unprotected:
My pet peeve is the sound of nails on a chalkboard.
Slice of life:
The most interesting thing about me you may not know is that my favorite color is lime green.
- Casubhoy I, Ramprasad A, Bachar A, Meister M, Bethman B, Sutkin G. How Surgeons Communicate and Teach: An Analysis of Intraoperative Agentic and Communal Language. Accepted for QuickShot Presentation at the 2023 American College of Surgeons Clinical Congress, October 22-25, 2023, Boston, MA.
- Casubhoy I, Ramprasad A, Meister M, Bachar A, Bethman B, Sutkin G. How Surgeons Teach: An analysis of Intraoperative Agentic and Communal Language. Poster presentation at The University of Missouri Kansas City Health Sciences Student Research Summit, March 3, 2023. Kansas City, MO.
See also: