“Right Into the Center”: a Semantic Analysis of Direction in Operating Room Instruction  

Karmarkar T, Mahadev A, Bachar A, McKenzie A, Sutkin G. “Right Into the Center”: a Semantic Analysis of Direction in Operating Room Instruction  . Journal of Surgical Education. Published online 2024.



In our previous work, teaching surgeons used potentially ambiguous language in the OR 12.3 times per minute. Our objectives were to examine ambiguous examples featuring Directional Frame of Reference (DFoR), which involves instructions containing directional terms like "up" or "left," and to uncover what contributes to understanding or misunderstanding of such instruction.


We videorecorded the critical moments of 6 surgeries, as chosen by the surgeons. With a semanticist, we applied constructs from formal semantics to choose potentially ambiguous DFoR terms commonly flagged in our previous work. We separately interviewed attending and resident surgeons, asking each to describe the meaning of those DFoR terms while they viewed case recordings alongside transcripts. We compared their responses, analyzing them for agreement in direction. We performed thematic analysis on case and interview transcripts for themes related to DFoR.


Midwestern academic university teaching hospital.


Six attending and 6 resident surgeons.


Attending and resident surgeons disagreed on direction in 9 of the 26 (34.6%) DFoR examples. Misunderstanding arose from using linear direction to describe three-dimensional space, e.g., "up" for anterior/cephalad/right. It also arose when combining degree modifiers with DfoR, e.g., "we're far enough back" combines the ambiguities of "back" (DfoR) and "far enough" (degree modifier). Use of axial parts (noun-like directional terms), e.g., "bottom," and confusing "left" for "right" also provoked misunderstanding. Misunderstanding was associated with lack of experience and mitigated by pointing with a finger or instrument, concurrent with speech.


Use of ambiguous language with DFoR incurs a high potential for misunderstanding, especially with novice surgeons. We recommend avoiding linear directions and axial parts, and instead physically pointing to represent complex 3D directions. Degree modifiers can be replaced with exact distances e.g., replace "little more anterior" with "1 centimeter anterior," and semaphores can be used to clarify direction.


Keywords: communication; linguistics; semantics; surgery; surgical education.

Last updated on 05/09/2024