
Bridging the Civil Military Gap (GECDV 201)

Semester: N/A
Year offered:

Supported by the National Endowment for Humanities Dialogues of the Experience of War program.

Catalog Description

This course studies the misunderstandings and feeling
of separation that often...

Conflict Resolution (Pol-Sci 404)

Semester: N/A
Year offered:

Catalog Description

This course examines theories of peace and conflict resolution in the international system. Students will assess the challenges to conflict resolution, international cooperation...

Women & Conflict (Pol-Sci 371)

Semester: N/A
Year offered:

Catalog Description

Students will explore the roles of women in armed political conflict; specifically the ways that women influence and participate in conflict and peace processes as well as the...

Terrorism & Political Violence (Pol-Sci 316)

Semester: N/A
Year offered:

Catalog Description

This course explores terrorism and armed struggle from theoretical and historical perspectives, and analyzes a number of violent movements with nationalist, ideological, and...

International Political Economy (Pol-Sci 367)

Semester: N/A
Year offered:

Catalog Description

This course examines major schools of thought and contemporary research in international political economy, as well as the study of the interactions of politics with economics...

International Relations (Pol-Sci 230)

Semester: Fall
Year offered:

Catalog Description

An analysis of the relations among nations, with emphasis on structures of international power, causes of war, and approaches to peace.

What to expect?

This course is offered...