Developing and validating an instrument measuring school renewal: Testing the factorial validity and reliability

Shen, J., Ma, X., Mansberger, N., Palmer, L. B., Burt, W., Leneway, R., Reeves, P., Poppink, S., McCrumb, D., Whitten, E., Gao, X., & Wu, H. (2021). Developing and validating an instrument measuring school renewal: Testing the factorial validity and reliability. International Journal of Leadership in Education.


For this paper, we developed and validated the Orientation to School Renewal instrument,a 21-item instrument, based on seven factors, which allows schools to measure their school renewal efforts. The research is based on Goodlad’s notion of school renewal. Through an extensive literature review and our work over an eight-year period engaged in discussions with over 110 principals and 300 teachers, we gradually developed dimensions of the construct of school renewal. We then obtained survey data from a sample of 1,195 teachers in 83 schools, and validated the instrument using confirmatory factor analysis and other procedures. The seven factors identified from the literature and discussions with K-12 educators and confirmed via the validation process included: (a) focus on students and their achievements, (b) continuous school improvement, (c) balance between the internal and external influences, (d) the dialogue, decision, action and evaluation (DDAE) process, (e) implementation integrity, (f) implementers as active developers, and (g) internal responsibility and professionalism. Researchers and practitioners can use the instrument to collect valid and reliable data to measure, evaluate, and understand school renewal.

Last updated on 05/22/2023