Dr. Alexis Petri

Measure What Matters

In addition to my work as director of the University of Missouri-Kansas City Office of Research Development, I also take on select projects and lead a team of talented interdisciplinary researchers and communication professionals.

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Featured Research

I am currently working on three research projects focused on disrupting traditional higher education in favor of tailored education and increased equity.

Improving STEM postsecondary education for students with disabilities at a national scale

Group photo of STEM students

Through the collective impact of the NSF INCLUDES TAPDINTO-STEM Alliance, persons with disabilities nationwide will be empowered to succeed in STEM disciplines.

Read more about INCLUDES

How to collect and use data for national alliance

an image with the word SOAR

Our researchers at UMKC have designed a dynamic data portal to support efforts to better understand the successes and barriers of students with disabilities in education and help make evidence based decisions about student outcomes.

Read more about SOAR

Diagnosing Intersectional Challenges for Equity in STEM (DICES)

group of adults in a seminar

The ADVANCE- Catalyst: (DICES) project supports a two-year self-study at UMKC aimed to identify systemic barriers that affect the recruitment, retention, and success of women faculty in STEM disciplines and provide the opportunity to create more equitable policies and procedures through data-informed insight. 

Read more about DICES


On The Forefront Of Educational Systems Change Research

Personalized Learning

Educational systems are continuously evolving, and the field of research focused on college-level education is at the forefront of these changes. One key area of inquiry is the shift towards personalized learning. With the advent of artificial intelligence and machine learning technologies, higher education institutions are exploring ways to tailor curricula to individual students' needs and learning styles, thereby enhancing student engagement and academic outcomes. This individual-centric approach aims to move away from a one-size-fits-all model of education towards a more flexible and adaptive system that acknowledges and accommodates diverse learning trajectories.

Experiential Learning

Another revolutionary trend is the integration of experiential learning into college curricula. While traditional education models have heavily relied on lecture-based learning, there's increasing recognition of the value of hands-on experiences in reinforcing theoretical knowledge. Many colleges are now prioritizing internships, research opportunities, study abroad programs, and other real-world learning experiences, fostering critical thinking and problem-solving skills that are invaluable in today's rapidly changing workforce.

Online and hybrid education models, accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic, continue to be a focal point of educational change research. Studies are examining the effectiveness of online learning, exploring ways to maintain student engagement in a virtual environment, and investigating how to ensure equal access to digital resources.


Lastly, the focus on mental health and wellbeing in colleges is a significant area of research. As mental health issues among students become more prevalent, institutions are exploring how they can better support students' mental health needs. This includes research into the design and implementation of comprehensive student support services, as well as the integration of mental health education into curricula.

These areas represent just a few of the topics at the forefront of educational systems change research. The overarching goal is to create more adaptable, inclusive, and effective higher education systems that are responsive to the needs and challenges of the 21st century. As this research continues to advance, we can expect to see further transformative changes in the landscape of college education.


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