Riggers-Piehl, Tiffani, Addison Lucchi, Karen King, and Gloria Lim. 2023. “Political participation and social engagement at girls’ and coeducational high schools: a comparative study”. Journal of Youth Studies, 1-23.
Riggers-Piehl, Tiffani, Laura S Dahl, Ashley Staples, Benjamin S Selznick, Matthew J Mayhew, and Alyssa N Rockenbach. 2022. “Being evangelical is complicated: How students’ identities and experiences moderate their perceptions of campus climate”. Review of Religious Research, 1-26.
Blevins, Brooke, Karon N LeCompte, Tiffani Riggers-Piehl, Nate Scholten, and Kevin R Magill. 2021. “The Impact of an action civics program on the community & political engagement of youth”. The Social Studies 112 (3): 146-60.
Riggers-Piehl, Tiffani, Kathleen J Lehman, and Emily Sandvall. 2020. “The Role of College Experiences in the Development of Self-Authored Worldview Commitment for First-Year STEM Students”. Journal of The First-Year Experience & Students in Transition 32 (2): 77-104.
LeCompte, Karon, Brooke Blevins, and Tiffani Riggers-Piehl. 2020. “Developing civic competence through action civics: A longitudinal look at the data”. The Journal of Social Studies Research 44 (1): 127-37.
Riggers-Piehl, Tiffani A, Gloria Lim, and Karen L King. 2018. “Fostering Academic and Social Engagement: An Investigation into the Effects of All-Girls Education in the Transition to University”. Los Angeles, CA: UCLA Higher Education Research Institute.
Riggers-Piehl, Tiffani, and Linda J Sax. 2018. “Encouraging the spirit: The role of student-faculty interactions in college students’ meaning-making and spiritual quest”. Journal of College and Character 19 (2): 101-19.
Mayhew, Matthew J, Nicholas A Bowman, Alyssa N Rockenbach, Benjamin Selznick, and Tiffani Riggers-Piehl. 2018. “Appreciative attitudes toward Jews among non-Jewish US college students”. Journal of College Student Development 59 (1): 71-89.
Rockenbach, Alyssa N, Nicholas A Bowman, Tiffani Riggers-Piehl, Matthew J Mayhew, and Rebecca E Crandall. 2017. “Respecting the LDS/Mormon Minority on Campus: College Students’ Attitudes Toward Latter-Day Saints”. Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 56 (4): 798-819.
Mayhew, Matthew J, Alyssa N Rockenbach, Nicholas A Bowman, Marc A Lo, Matthew A Starcke, Tiffani Riggers-Piehl, and Rebecca E Crandall. 2017. “Expanding perspectives on evangelicalism: How non-evangelical students appreciate evangelical Christianity”. Review of Religious Research 59: 207-30.