Introduction to Doctoral Studies (EDUC-UL 5604)

Semester: Summer
Year offered: 2023

Description: This 3-credit course is designed to introduce new doctoral students to the tasks and processes involved in the completion of their doctoral requirements. In the course, beginning doctoral students will develop their scholarly skills, gain confidence in their ability to complete a dissertation, and build community among other doctoral students. The course is a requisite for students in the doctoral sequence for the Ed.D. in Educational Administration with an emphasis in Higher Education, but may be taken by other new doctoral students with instructor approval (i.e., those studying Higher Education in other doctoral programs, such as the IPhD with ELPF as a primary discipline.)

Mode: Primarily online asynchronous with one online synchronous meeting (week 1), and two synchronous "meet-ups" (optional).

Course Catalog

Sample Syllabus