Publications by Type: Conference Proceedings


Yu, Le, and Mei Wei. 2022. “Smart Nanoworms for Cancer Drug Delivery. Society for Biomaterials. Apr 27-30, 2022. Baltimore, MD, USA”.


Yu, Le, and Mei Wei. 2019. “Intrafibrillar Mineralized Collagen-Based Scaffolds for Bone Repair. Society for Biomaterials. Apr 3-6, 2019. Seattle, WA, USA”.


Santisteban, Tomas Silva, Le Yu, and Mei Wei. 2018. “3D Porosity Analysis of Collagen-Hydroxyapatite Coatings for Hard Tissue Replacement Applications. Materials Science & Technology. Oct 14-18, 2018. Columbus, Ohio, USA”.


Yu, Le, and Mei Wei. 2016. “Preparation of Type I Collagen Nanoworms With Magnetic Targeting for Cancer Treatment. 2016 MRS Fall Meeting & Exhibit, Symposium BM3: Biomaterials for Regenerative Medicine. Nov 27-Dec 2, 2016. Boston, Massachusetts, USA”.


Yu, Le, and Xuanyong Liu. 2014. “Preparation and Characterization of Multifunctional Mn-Containing Titania Coatings. 14th Asian BioCeramic Symposium. Oct 28~30th, 2014. Shanghai, China”.